January 2024
Orlando-Parrot Heads of Central Florida Council of PHeathers
January 29, 2024 Zoom MINUTES
Officers in Attendance: Lisabeth (Betsy) Brown (President/Keeper of the PHlock), Michael Sincavage, Louanne Sincavage (Co-Vice Presidents), Paula King (Secretary), Michael Ronnebaum (Treasurer), Nancy Van Pelt, James Van Pelt (Co-Membership Officers), Mark Hirsch (Executive Officer) Julie Artrip (Communications Officer)
Attendance from PHlock: Joan Williams, John Williams, Rich Grieser, Casie Shimansky
Called to Order 6:35 This was our first Zoom meeting. (Some technical difficulties were reported by the Van Pelts and the Sincavages. The Sincavages were able to participate, but were not able to use their audio or visuals to communicate. The Van Pelts were able to hear & see, but laptop became inaccessible, so used their phone only. Betsy will work with both Sincavages & Van Pelts to eliminate issues prior to the next Zoom gathering.)
As President, Betsy gave the State of the PHlock Address.
State of the PHlock January 2024
Roster Membership: 179 Adult Members
Paid memberships: PHamily 53 Single 21 Schlegel PHree Forbes PHree
Keets: 4 (12-17) 2 (under 5)
Memberships waiting for renewal: PHamily 15 Single 12
Memberships PAID to date: 135 $2,770.00 2024 dues since September 1, 2023 (Plus dues paid January 10th-January 28th not on Treasurer’s Report (Gary))
PHIP Dues paid 12/31/2023 $172 based on 2023 roster.
As of January 9, 2024- $4,151.02
Outstanding CHECKS: Ray Wortley $500-purchase of Sea Oats
PHIP Dues $172.00
Happy Trails Animal Rescue $150
Payments on hold: Second Harvest Food Bank $200 Memorial for Betty Grant
Charitable Donations Made January-December, 2023
$578.88 Brevard County Natural Resources for Sea Oats (January)
$175 Save the Manatee Club (February)
$500 Hope Helps (February)
$500 Nemours Hospital for the Jennifer Schott Childhood Arthritus Foundation
$155 Academic Center for Excellence (July)
$100 Second Harvest Food Bank (August)
$145 Share the Care Adult Daycare Services (September)
*$2,125 We Walk to End Alzheimer’s (Team Funded) (October)
$200 Pet Alliance (donation in Memory of Pat Harrington) (October)
$135 Orange Seminole Foster Children’s Association (November)
$100 Second Harvest Food Bank (November)
$1,000 (matched) Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Honor of Jimmy Buffett (December)
$200 Save the Manatee Club (December)
$500 Orange Seminole Foster Children’s Association (December)
$500 Sea Oats Project (Keep Brevard Beautiful) (December)
Total Monetary Donations for 2023 $6,913.88
Material Donations since June 2023
$350 (pet food & supplies) Happy Trails Animal Rescue (PHCF Birthday) (April)
$300 (canned & dried food) Second Harvest Food Bank (June)
$250 (pet supplies) Happy Trails Animal Rescue (July)
$650 (school supplies) Academic Center for Excellence (August)
$750 (art supplies & hands on activities) Share the Care Adult Daycare Services (September)
$360 (hygiene products and pajamas) Orange Seminole Foster Children’s Association (October)
$425 (canned & dried foods) Second Harvest Food Bank (November)
$2000 (Angel Tree gifts) Orange Seminole Foster Children’s Association (December)
Total Material Donations for 2023 $5,085.00
Community Service/Environmental Service January-December 2023
Adopt-a-Latitude (chaired by Bruce Broulik) January
2 Hours X 10 Volunteers Total 20 Hours
Sowing Sea Oats (chaired by Ray Wortley) February
2 Hours X 15 Volunteers Total 30 Hours
Adopt-a-Shore (chaired by Jim & Nancy Van Pelt) March
2 Hours X 10 Volunteers Total 20 Hours
A Kid Again was manned on September 10th at Crayola Experience-PHlockers helping: Colleen Smith, Jim and Nancy VanPelt, Kathy & John Furtado 5 Hours X 5 volunteers Total 25 hours
Adopt-a-Latitude-September 17th. Participants: Jim and Nancy VanPelt, Mike and Louanne Sincavage, Kathy & Steve Erlacher, Nikki and Sonny Peters, Jim and Nancy Piastuch, Betsy and Denny Brown, Melissa & Ron Albright 4 hours X 14 volunteers Total 56 hours
We Walk to End Alzheimer’s (October)-Nancy Van Pelt, Dennis & Betsy Brown, John & Joan Williams, Rich & Alaine Grieser, Mark & Shelby Hirsch, Jennifer Heisler, Becky Baughmann, and Chuck & Tammy Esser
Hours 3 X 13 Volunteers Total 39 Hours
Adopt-a-Shore (October) Julie Artrip & Lina, Nancy & Jim Van Pelt, Betsy & Denny Brown, Tom Williams, Deb Casey-Wood, Margaret Croxford, Randy & Connie Caines, Joe LaBella & Gayle Macek, Mike & Louanne Sincavage
Hours 3 X 15 Volunteers Total 45 Hours
Second Harvest Food Bank (November)Julie Artrip , Melanie & Lina (Artrip), Dennis & Lisabeth Brown, Bill and Eva DeWalt, Mark & Shelby Hirsch, Sally Reaves, Louanne & Mike Sincavage, Judy & George Stickney, Tom Williams, Margaret Croxford
3 hours X 16 volunteers Total 48 Hours
Escape to Jimmy Buffett-ville Tailgate (Rockpit) (November) Benefit Singing for Change
Betsy & Dennis Brown, Mike & Louanne Sincavage, Randy & Connie Caines, Kristine Guenther, Julie Artrip, Jeremy Bell, Devon Hoernschemyer, Jim & Katherine Cain.
8 Hours X 12 volunteers Total 96 Hours
Council of PHeathers Gathering August-December
Officers in attendance: Betsy Brown, Nancy Van Pelt, Gary Einstein,
Council Meetings X 3 Hours X 4 officers Total 60 Hours
Total Volunteer Hours for 2023 439
Annual PHIP Report Submitted January 29, 2024 at 3:30 PM.
Total Volunteer Hours reported to PHIP 439
Total Monetary Donations reported to PHIP (including material costs)
Motion to Accept 1st Mark 2nd Julie – Approved
Treasurer’s Report
Former Treasurer, Gary Einstein not present.
Report submitted by Gary Einstein on January 9th. This does not include any renewals or new memberships received after that date.
BANK $3,813.63 AS OF 12/31/2023
2024 DUES -2,770.00
SEA OATS 2024 -300.00
SQUARE Fees 2024 – 8.18
REFUND -30.00
PHIP DUES $172.00
IN BANK AS OF TODAY $4,151.02 AS OF 1/9/2024
2024 DUES -2,770.00
SEA OATS 2024 -440.00
BALANCE $669.02
Square fees 2023 $92.61
Balance in Bank $4,151.02 as of 1/9/2024
Outstanding checks as of 1/17/2023: Ray Wortley ($500-Sea Oats), Happy Trails Animal Rescue ($150), PHIP Dues ($172)
PHIP Dues $172.00 was paid
What’s happening with the Treasury
Bank Meeting on February 6th with Gary, Betsy, and Michael at Wells-Fargo to transfer account information.
Once transfer is complete, Gary will give ALL treasurer’s information to Michael.
Michael and Betsy are key holders for the Post Office Box in Winter Springs.
Michael and Gary are exchanging information regarding Square & website payment system.
Michael will continue the procedure to send new member & renewal membership payments to Betsy and to Jim & Nancy as Membership Chairs. Jim & Nancy will communicate membership updates to Julie so mailchimp and PHlockmail is current and to verify Betsy has information to create hangie-thingies for new members.
Michael will work on a Treasure’s Report to make it simple to understand. The request was made to show new member names when reporting membership and to include a brief reason for outgoing payments.
Motion to Accept 1st Joan 2nd Rich – Approved
Membership Report (Betsy & Jim and Nancy)
Refer to State of the PHlock Address for details.
As of 1/29/2024 There were 179 adult members on the roster. The deadline for renewal is January 31st. Non-renewals will be removed from the roster at that time.
Ann Forbes-Betsy recounted that Ann Forbes paid for membership in June of 2022. For some reason, her information was never relayed to the Membership Officer and did not become valid on our Mailchimp or club website email roster. Betsy states Ann posted several messages in December and early January on Facebook posts stating her disappointment at paying membership but never hearing back from the club. To rectify the situation, Betsy made an Executive Decision and offered her a 2024 membership at no cost. Ann Forbes accepted this membership and is now active on our PHCF membership roster.
New members/Returning Members 2024
Lisa Marie Gallego (January) returning member
Ann Forbes (reinstated) VIRGIN
Mike & Linda Yeazel (gift membership from Julie Artrip)
Hangie Thingies (Betsy will continue to make these due to color ink capabilities.)
Membership chairs to keep Keeper of the PHlock inPHormed of need for leis, hangie-thingies, membership needs.
Schedule meeting with Lou for training on Website.
Motion to accept 1st Paula 2nd Joan – Approved
Keeper of the PHlock Report
January PHluorescent PHlocking had about 70 PHlockers.
Jimi Pappas performed.
Payment of $200 was supplemented by the PHunding our Independent Musicians JAR so PHCF only had to pay $48 check.
Approximately $250 in pet supplies and $150 cash was collected for the Lucky Stars-Happy Trails Animal Rescue.
PHifty/50 raffle brought in $265. John Williams received $135. $130 was added to the club PHunds for Sea Oats.
PHlockers enjoyed the PHluorescent necklaces & bubbles provided by the PHlocking committee. 2 The Porch-Winter Park gift cards were given in a drawing of names of RSVPers.
As Keeper of the PHlock, Betsy requested PHlocking assistance from the Executive Board during PHlockings.
- Officers needed to ‘work the room.’
- Work the Welcome Table
- Mingle and introduce around the room
- ‘Adopt a VIRGIN’ for the PHlocking and PHirst weeks.
- Be available to help set up and tear down
- Be available for Initiations
- Make ANNOUNCEMENTS about your committee events.
- Check to make sure BANNER has been packed up.
PHlock reaction to PHlockings
All positive
Like the bands
Like the location
Like the goodies
Lucky Stars get split donations. Those that don’t bring materials are willing to put cash in the jar to help provide supplies.
PHifty/50-depending on the club PHunds and community service needs PHift4y/50 will announce where the split goes.
Music is scheduled through June
(Upcoming: Tiki Dave Soreff, Don Middlebrook, Jeff Randall, Chris &
Phil (or maybe just Chris), John McDonald)
Band PHees $200-$400 based on number performing and distance traveled.
PHlock has been helpful to date with most JAR totals allowing PHunds to only pay half.
The Porch donates gift cards to us each month which will go into
raffle baskets or name drawing at Phlocking.
Motion to accept 1st Julie 2nd Joan – Approved
Community Service Report
Adopt-a-Shore Report (Jim & Nancy)
On 1/28/24 there were 24 Parrot Heads to help cleanup the beach.
The pelican skull/head was the most unusual item found. It was
found by John Williams. The PHlock gathered at Seafood Atlantic at Port Canaveral after the event.
24 Volunteers X 3 Hours Total 72 Volunteer Hours
Next Adopt-a-Shore will be in April.
Adopt-a-Latitude Report (Betsy & Denny) March date to be set
Second Harvest Food Bank (Mike & Louanne) The chairs will research a date and see if PHCF can fill needs in other areas of SHFB.
Blood Drive (Mark Hirsch) Mark stated he would be willing to help with a Blood Drive Committee. He reminded us that PHIP begins their national Blood Drive at MOTM and it continues through the end of the year. He will contact the Big Red Bus to see how we can help throughout the year.
We Walk to End Alzheimer’s -Betsy
Website for PHCF TEAM reactivated
Goal $3,000 set by Council, but can be changed. $25 donation by the Browns on the books.
Sea Oats Planting
Date is set for February 17th (Saturday)
We donated $500 this year for plants
Is this an event we want to continue to promote? Table
Betsy will post a request for committee chairs and participants for Adopt-a-Latitude & We Walk to End Alzheimer’s. She will inform the PHlock of the committee forming for Blood Drive.
Suggestions for NEW community service EVENTS with volunteers needed.
Casie Shimansky – shared information on new organization .
St. Baldrick’s foundation – they raise funds for research that gives
hope to kids with cancer.
Head-Shaving Event March 9th
at Capt Hirams Resort in Sebastian. On that day Casie will be shaving her hair to raise money for Kids cancer research.
Julie & Betsy will work together to put a link on the website.
Betsy will create an informational post for the PHlock.
Betsy reiterated the need for our PHlock to feel welcomed to bring their suggestions for community & charitable events to the Board. Suggestions must be presented in a timely fashion and include how & why PHCF can help.
Suggestions for Lucky Stars (material/monetary donations)
January: Happy Trails Animal Rescue
February: One Heart for Women & Children
March: St. Baldrick’s Foundation (PHifty/50) or Raffle Baskets?
June: Save the Manatee (possible PHifty/50 or Raffle Baskets)
July: Schoolboy Heart (school supplies) Recipients TBD
September: Alzheimer’s (PHifty/50 or Raffle Baskets)
October: Happy Trails Animal Rescue
November: Second Harvest Food Bank
December: Angel Tree Orange Seminole Foster Children’s Association
Motion to accept 1st Paula 2nd Rich – Approved
Report from our Member Advocate – Jim Cain was not present, but reported no concerns or suggestions from the PHlock.
Motion to accept: 1st Paula 2nd Joan Approved
Old Business
With the exception of the Treasurer transfer, all OLD business was taken care of by December 31st.
Ongoing training & support for the website and all other matters PHCF is available from Lou Perkins.
Motion to accept 1st Julie 2nd Mike R. -Approved
New Business
Club officer cards – Betsy will make about 50 cards for all officers, including Jim Cain..
Club PHlyers? Revisit at next Council meeting with sample and costs
Start planning our Christmas party-Betsy will send out a post requesting a committee.
PHuture Council Meetings –2 zoom and 1 Face to Face per quarter
Next Council Meeting Zoom to be held February 19th
Motion to accept 1st Casie 2nd Julie – Approved
Motion to Adjourn 1st Rich 2nd Julie
Time Adjourned 8:45
Minutes accepted by Council of PHeathers on February 5, 2024