Updated Feb 9, 2022
1. This organization shall be known as the “Parrot Heads of Central Florida”.
2. No person or group may enter into activities in which the name of the Club is used or associated without prior approval of the Executive Board.
3. This organization has been created under the auspices of the Parrot Heads In Paradise (PHIP) Inc., the nationally sanctioned Parrot Head Club.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
1. The object and purposes for which the Club is formed are as follows:
1.1. To be a source of enjoyment, relaxation and fellowship to its membership.
1.2. To assist in community, charitable and environmental concerns and provide a variety of social activities for people of similar interests.
ARTICLE III – Officers
1. The Officers and Executive Board shall be:
1.1. President
1.2. Vice-President
1.3. Membership
1.4. Treasurer
1.5. Keeper of the Phlock
1.6. Secretary
1.7. Executive Officer
1.8. Communications Officer
2. PHounder and past Presidents will be voting advisors to the Executive Board as long as they have attended three out of four consecutive Council of PHeathers meetings prior to the current Council of PHeathers meeting.
3. When a vote of the Executive Board is required by these Operating Principles a quorum of 50% + 1 of the Executive Board must participate in the vote.
4. Executive Board members unable to attend a Council of PHeathers meeting may designate a PHaithful PHlocker as a proxy, with prior notification to a member of the Executive Board.
4.1. An Executive Board Officer cannot send a proxy in two consecutive months.
4.2. No PHaithful PHlocker may represent more than one Executive Board Officer Proxy at a Council of PHeathers Meeting.
ARTICLE IV – Membership
1. There shall be six classes of membership:
1.1. Single – $30 annual dues
1.2. Family – $40 annual dues. (Consists of family members under the age of 18 living at the address of record)
1.3. Honorary – Awarded by the Executive Board, as they feel appropriate for each calendar year. These memberships are in “Name Only” and are not entitled to the same privileges as Single, Family or Complimentary memberships and are subject to annual review in January.
1.4. Complimentary – Awarded by the Executive Board, as they feel appropriate for each calendar year. These memberships have the same privileges as Single and Family memberships and are subject to annual review in January.
1.5. Phounding Pheathers – Single – $20 annual dues, Family – $30 annual dues. (Evelyn Atkins, Denny Butts, Bill DeWalt, Robert Sparks and James “˜JT” Thomas)
1.6. PHounder – $0 annual dues. Jim Schlegel is the Club’s PHounder.
2. The annual membership period shall be from January 1st through December 31st.
3. Members will renew by the end of December.
3.1. Renewal notices will be sent by November 1st.
4. Any member with dues in arrears as of January 1st will be considered inactive. Payment of said dues will reinstate membership if paid by January 31st.
5. There will be three Levels of membership within the six classes of membership.
5.1. In Good Standing – Members current with their dues.
5.2. PHaithPHul PHlockers – Members in Good Standing that are actively participating in PHlockings and community service activities according to the Parrot Point records kept by the Keeper(s) of the PHlock.
5.3. Inactive – Members with dues in arrears during the month of January.
6. When a vote of the membership is called for by these Operating Principles:
6.1. Voting will be by membership.
6.2. Single – Primary member who is a Phaithful PHlocker is eligible to vote.
6.3. Family – Primary member and Significant Other who are Phaithful Phlockers are eligible to vote.
6.4. Votes will be decided by a simple majority of those votes cast.
6.5. Voting will be by Electronic Ballot e-mailed to eligible voters.
ARTICLE V – Meetings
1. A General Meeting of the club membership will be held annually. Location and time will be decided by a majority opinion of the Executive Board.
1.1. Open to all members in good standing.
1.2. Schedule and location for the General Meeting will be published on the PHCF website and communicated to Membership via E-mail.
2. PHlockings will be held every month. Schedule and location will be decided by majority opinion of the Executive Board.
2.1. Open to officers, members in good standing, their guests and prospective members.
2.2. Schedule and location for PHlockings will be published on the PHCF website and communicated to Membership via E-mail.
3. Council of PHeathers Meetings will be held monthly for the purpose of conducting club business and planning club activities. Schedule and location will be decided by a majority opinion of the Executive Board.
3.1. Open to Executive Board and members in good standing
3.2. Voting on motions is by Executive Board only and Advisors as described in Article III, 2.
3.3. Schedule and location for Council of PHeathers meetings will be published on the PHCF website and communicated to Membership via E-mail.
4. Special Meetings and fund-raisers will be held:
4.1. At locations appropriate to meeting or event
4.2. Members will be notified of these events through regular meetings, electronic mailings or newsletters, whichever is more convenient for the Executive Board.
4.3. If the event is held in a public area, members, their guests and prospective members are invited.
4.4. Events held in a private area or where the club has paid for the event will be member only events.
4.5. Guests, inactive members and Non-members may participate in member only events on a space available basis and at an additional fee as determined by the Executive Board.
ARTICLE VI – Name Tags
1. Parrot Heads of Central Florida name tags should be worn at all PHCF PHlockings and other social events where Parrot Heads may gather.
1.1. Encourages interaction between members
1.2. Serves to recall everyone’s name.
2. A voluntary donation of $1 to the club charitable accounts will be sought from anyone who forgets to bring and display their name tag.
2.1. This is not mandatory but is intended to promote a sense of club spirit
2.2. This is to induce members to wear their name tags.
1. Members are expected to wear a Lei at all PHCF PHlockings and other social events where Parrot Heads may gather.
1.1. To enable identification of potential new members (virgins).
1.2. To promote a festive, tropical atmosphere.
2. A voluntary donation of $1 to the club charitable accounts will be sought from anyone who forgets to wear a lei.
2.1. This is not mandatory but intended to promote a sense of club spirit.
2.2. A replacement lei may be purchased from the PHCF for a fee of $1.
3. Leis may consist of flowers, shells, nuts, or anything deemed Parrot Head appropriate.
ARTICLE VIII – Termination
1. The Executive Board may suspend from the Parrot Heads of Central Florida any member whom the Executive Board determines no longer meets the requirements for membership set forth in Article II (Purpose) and Article XV (Code of Conduct) of these Operating Principles.
1.1. This must be done by unanimous vote.
1.1.1. The vote suspends such member’s membership in the Parrot Heads of Central Florida and all rights and privileges associated therewith.
2. Inactive members will be terminated if they remain in arrears after January 31st.
2.1. The Executive Board has the right to consider “special circumstances” in applying the above deadline and its consequences
2.1.1. The Executive Board normally delegates this right to the Membership Officer.
3. Upon termination:
3.1. All items in the terminated member’s possession belonging to the Club will be returned to the Club.
3.2. All Parrot Points accumulated by the member will be forfeited.
ARTICLE IX – Terms of Office
1. The President, Keeper of the Phlock, and Secretary will be elected to serve starting in even numbered years (e.g.: 2008, 2010, etc.) and will serve a term of two years. The Vice President, Treasurer, Membership Officer, and Communications Officer will be elected to serve starting in odd numbered years (e.g.: 2007, 2009, etc.) and will serve a term of two years. The Executive Officer will be elected annually and will serve a term of one year. Elected officers, with the exception of Executive Officer, will serve nomore than two consecutive terms. The Executive Officer will serve no more than four consecutive terms.
2. All terms of office will expire on December 31st of the appropriate year.
3. The Executive Board, by unanimous vote, may suspend the consecutive term rule for any individual officer.
3.1. Any elected member of the Executive Board of the Parrot Heads of Central Florida, who resigns from office without completing the term of office will not be eligible to run for a Board position again for three (3) years from the date of resignation.
3.2. Any elected member of the Executive Board that runs for another office during their elected term must resign their current Executive Board position when they accept a nomination for a new Executive Board position.
3.2.1. The Executive Board position made available by the resignation will be added to the current election and will serve the balance of the existing term.
3.2.2. The Executive Officer position is not affected as it is only a one year term.
4. Only PHaithPHul PHlockers shall be eligible to:
4.1. Nominate a member for an office
4.2. Vote in an election
4.3. Be elected to a position on the Executive Board
5. Elections will be during the month of November with officers taking office January 1st. Ceremonial installation will take place at the January PHlocking.
6. Elections will be by Electronic Ballot e-mailed to eligible voters (See Article IV, Paragraph 6. for eligible voters) by the Elections Officer
6.1. Write-in candidates will not be allowed.
6.2. A ballot that is not received is considered an abstention vote.
6.3. No membership can hold more than one position on the Executive Board. (i.e.; Members that are on the same membership may not hold more than one position on the Executive Board, including past Presidents and PHounder).
6.4. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of votes cast, the election will be decided by best two out of three coin tosses.
7. Officers must attend Council of PHeathers meetings with regularity.
8. Any officer may resign by submitting a written resignation to the Executive Board.
9. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of membership.
10. In the event of a vacancy of an Executive Office
10.1. Presidency – The Vice-President will complete the term.
10.2. Other Office – The Executive Officer will complete the term.
10.3. Executive Officer – The Executive Board will appoint, by a majority vote, a PHaithful PHlocker to fill the Executive Officer vacancy.
11. In the event the Vice President or Executive Officer is unable or unwilling to fulfill the duties associated with the vacancy, the vacancy will be advertised to the membership and a vote of the general membership will be utilized to fill the vacancy.
11.1. In the event that no more than one candidate expresses an interest in fulfilling the vacancy, a majority vote of the Executive Board will suffice to appoint that person for the remaining term of the vacancy.
12. An Elections Officer will be utilized for the election process.
12.1. Will not be a nominee for any of the vacancies
12.1.1. Must be a PHaithful PHlocker.
12.2. Will be responsible for the tallying of ballots and the announcement of election results
12.2.1. Ballots will be produced in a reasonable time for inspection upon a reasonable request from a PHaithful PHlocker.
12.2.2. Ballots will be retained for one month beyond the election or the last request to review the ballots, whichever comes first.
13. An office may be shared within a membership, but no individual can represent more than a single office.
ARTICLE X – Finances
1. Membership Dues will constitute a General Operating Fund for the club that can be supplemented by activities designated by the Executive Board
2. General Operating Fund will, at a minimum, finance:
2.1. Membership dues to PHIP.
2.2. State corporate fees and banking fee and D&O insurance fees.
2.3. Any additional fees as required by law in order to remain a club.
2.4. General expenses associated with membership. (e.g., leis, name tags, membership applications, phlocking expenses, etc).
2.5. Club publications including, but not limited to the newsletter and the club web site.
3. The Executive Board may designate additional general membership functions to be paid for out of the General Operating Fund.
4. Budgets
4.1. Committees (excluding Special Events): The Executive Board will set a budget for any committees or activities that operate out of the General Operating Fund. These budgets are not cumulative. Monies not spent revert to the General Fund.) At a minimum the following committees/activities will be so funded:
4.1.1. Membership Committee – $40/month
4.1.2. PHlocking Committee – $150/month not including entertainment (Feb. 2004 CoPH’s minutes)
4.1.3. Newsletter Committee – $45/month
4.2. Special Event Committees
4.2.1. The Executive Board will review for approval, and oversee any budget proposal for Special Events.
4.2.2. Special Events Committee Chair Parrot will submit a Budget Proposal to the Executive Board at a Council of PHeather’s Meeting prior to the event. The expenses shown in the approved budget shall not be exceeded without prior approval of the Executive Board.
4.2.3. All receipts for reimbursements must be submitted within 30 days after an event to the Event Chair Parrot or they may be regarded as a “donation”.
4.2.4. Special Event Chair Parrots will submit a written financial report and all receipts within 60 days after the event.
4.2.5. At a minimum, the following Special Events committees will be so reviewed. Concert Tailgate Party St. Patrick’s Parade & Float Building Significant Annual Event Christmas Party / December Phlocking Club Picnics: Manatee Picnic and Fall Picnic
4.3. Club Store
4.3.1. The Executive Board will review for approval any budget proposal for maintaining a Club Store.
5. Committees and activities funded out of the General Fund will return any profits they make to the General Fund.
6. Committees not funded out of the General Fund may be seeded by the General Fund, at the direction of the Executive Board, but are expected to return the seed money and any profits they make to the General Fund.
7. Committees that raise money for a charitable cause are expected to deposit the monies in the General Fund, with the monies designated for a specific charity. After event expenses are covered, donors may make donations directly to the charity provided they are designated as being from the Parrot Head event and the Club is notified of the donation.
8. If funds are available, the President may approve expenditures up to $50 out of the General Fund and is responsible for notifying the Treasurer of the expenditure
9. The Treasurer will submit a written monthly financial report that details, at a minimum, the following:
9.1. The current amount available in the General Fund
9.2. Expenditures made out of the General Fund
9.3. Income to the General Fund
9.4. Monies held on behalf of existing committees and charities in the General Fund.
9.5. Year to date totals of the above will be included in the report
ARTICLE XI – Duties of Office
1. General Responsibilities of ALL Officers
1.1. To attend monthly Council of PHeathers meetings
1.2. Be an ad-hoc member of at least one club committee
1.3. Uphold the Club Operating Principles
1.4. To fulfill the responsibilities of their particular office as detailed below
1.5. Participate in the New Member Initiation Ceremony.
1.6. Provide training and mentoring to successor officers, ensuring that successors understand all duties of their new position.
2. The President shall:
2.1. Have such powers and duties as are usually exercised by such an officer.
2.2. Have the power to call Special Meetings of the organization and Special Meetings of the Executive Board.
2.3. Chair the Council of PHeathers meetings
2.4. Be the designated contact for PHIP
2.5. Be Responsible for turning in reports to PHIP
2.6. Interface with other clubs and pass along to the Club all information related to events and other items of interest
2.7. Will perform the New Member Initiation Ceremony.
2.8. Maintain a file on PHIP information.
3. The Vice-President shall:
3.1. In the absence of the President have the powers and duties of the President.
3.2. Be the alternate contact for PHIP
3.3 The Vice-President will be responsible for ensuring that a Memorial Donation is made in the name of any Member in Good Standing who passes away.
3.3.1 A 50-50 raffle will be held to fund the memorial.
3.3.2 The club will supplement the money raised to ensure a minimum $200 donation.
4. The Treasurer shall:
4.1. Collect dues, fees and other funds of the Club and deposit said funds to the bank in a timely manner (generally once per week).
4.1.1. Treasurer is responsible for bank account set-up and maintenance and ensure that bank fees are minimized.
4.1.2. An account will be set-up to represent the General Fund with three signatories: President Treasurer Vice President
4.2. Submit financial statements to the Executive Board monthly
4.2.1. Secure approval for reimbursement/payment of any debts incurred without prior Executive Board approval over $50 from the Executive Board prior to any payments being made.
4.3. Maintain financial records for club history.
4.4. Ensure that the club’s annual corporate tax return is filed in a timely manner in accordance with IRS rules and regulations.
4.5. Submit the Florida corporate annual report in a timely manner in accordance with State of Florida rules and regulations. Update the names and addresses of officers on file with the State, as necessary.
5. The Membership Officer shall:
5.1. Maintain membership listings, membership renewal and will furnish or post such list as required and will report monthly on the status of current members and new members.
5.2. Report in February members dropped for not renewing.
5.3. Responsible for mailing renewals to membership by November 1st.
5.4. Responsible for membership forms, welcome packages and recruitment of new members
5.5. Responsible for coordinating the PHlocking Initiation ceremony, i.e.; greeting & leing Virgins, distribution & collection of PHlock information forms, initiation ceremony drink orders, member lei ceremony.
5.6. Responsible for updating the Communications Officer with the most current member e-mail addresses as they are obtained, deleted, or changed.
5.7. Maintains annual membership records for club history
5.8. Transfer member photos to the Communications Officer and Photo Committee.
6. The Keeper of the PHlock shall:
6.1. Be responsible for general Sponsor contacts
6.2. Record and maintain “˜Parrot Point” attendance records for activities and participation in environmental, charitable or community service events. Create and distribute event mementos for participants, such as “hangie thingie tags” that can be added to the member’s club name tag lanyard.
6.3. Be responsible for monthly Phlocking coordination & planning, including arranging for the musician, Lucky Stars recipient, raffle table charity and coordinator, and working with the Executive Officer to collect fines from members for non-compliance with the name tag and lei policies.
7. The Secretary shall:
7.1. Be recorder of Council of PHeathers meeting minutes to be presented
7.1.1. At the following Council of PHeathers meeting In writing to the President Verbally to the Executive Board
7.1.2. By 10 days following a Council of PHeathers meeting, in an electronic format to the Communications Officer for posting on the web site.
7.2. Maintain the Operating Principles and amendments thereto as books and records of the club
8. The Executive Officer shall:
8.1. Fills any vacancy, other than President, due to an officer not able to complete their term of office
8.2. Be the Club Historian
8.3. Work with the Keeper of the Phlock to collect fines at PHlockings for membership non-compliance with name tag and lei policies.
8.4. Maintains the inventory list of club assets valued at $25 or higher.
9. The Communications Officer shall:
9.1. Create and distribute e-mail notifications regarding Club activities as requested by the Council of Pheathers, Chair Parrots, or members in good standing.
9.2. Serve as the primary distributor of e-mail notifications regarding all Club activities including Phlockings, community service and charity activities, special events, musicians’ calendars, and other updates deemed of interest to the Club.
9.3. Be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the Club web site, including the timely updating of the PHCF event calendar, adding photos from PHCF events, and maintaining a current membership photo album in conjunction with the Photo Committee.
9.4. In coordination with the Membership Officer, add new and updated e-mail addresses to the master e-mail distribution lists.
9.5. Be responsible for the timely transfer of all documents related to this position, including passwords and any other PHCF web site information regarding accessing the site, when a successor is elected.
ARTICLE XII – Guidelines for Concert Tickets
1. In the event of ticket availability the following guidelines will apply:
1.1. PHIP tickets are for use by PHaithful PHlockers only and may not be transferred or sold to an individual that is not a PHaithful PHlocker.
1.2. All concert tickets will be regarded as PHIP tickets and will be available only to PHaithful PHlockers based on Parrot Point accumulation.
1.3. PHaithful PHlockers will be notified of ticket availability through regular meetings, electronic mailings or newsletters, whichever is more convenient and/or expedient at the time of the announcement.
1.4. Ticket Payment
1.4.1. Ticket orders will be secured by a deposit equal to the expected price of the tickets. If payment is not received at the time of order, no ticket will be ordered.
2. Failure to follow the above guidelines will result in the loss of ticket rights for the next concert.
3. The board will appoint an Executive Board member to coordinate ticket activities within the club, with PHIP and with Sponsor and venue representatives.
ARTICLE XIII – Parrot Points
1. Parrot Points are the mechanism by which the club will acknowledge member activities that support the club purposes as defined in Article II.
2. Criteria for assignment of Parrot Points
2.1. Defined by the Keeper of the PHlock
2.2. Approved by the Executive Board
2.3. Submitted by the Keeper of the PHlock no later than the second Council of PHeathers meeting of the calendar year
2.3.1. In writing to the Executive Board
2.3.2. In an electronic format
2.3.3. To the Secretary
2.3.4. To the Communications Officer for posting on the web site
2.4. Constitutes an annually revised Appendix to this document
3. Publication of Parrot Points criteria
3.1. Criteria will be published in the first newsletter or via e-mail, following Executive Board Approval and immediately posted to the website.
3.2. Criteria, as an Appendix to this document, will be published whenever this document is published.
4. Parrot Point Accumulation
4.1. Accumulated during the previous twelve months from the current concert ticket purchase date or from the last eligible concert date to the current concert ticket purchase date, whichever time interval is less.
4.2. Keeper of the PHlock will keep a record of accumulated Parrot Points.
4.3. Keeper of the PHlock will make available the above record to the club membership via e-mail upon request.
ARTICLE XIV – Amendments
1. The power to alter, amend, or repeal the Operating Principles shall be vested in the Executive Board. and ratified by the membership. Voting shall comply with Article IV, Section 6.
1.1. Such actions may be taken at regular or special meetings or by written submission to the President.
1.2. Voting will be by electronic ballot via e-mail.
1.2.1. Voting will be in a timely manner, not to exceed 10 days from the transmission of the electronic ballot.
1.2.2. Failure to comply will be considered abstention.
ARTICLE XV – Severability
1. If any part of this document is found to violate any laws of competent jurisdiction and is therefore rendered unenforceable, the balance of the document shall remain unaffected and in full force and effect.
Article XVI – Dissolution
1. Should the club be dissolved for any reason, all monies in the treasury shall be donated to charities determined by the Executive Board.
Article XVII – Code of Conduct
1. It is the intention of the “Parrot Heads of Central Florida” (PHCF) to provide social, community service, environmental projects and charitable activities for the enjoyment and benefit of all our members, guests, hosts and charities. All members of the organization shall be required to treat fellow members, guests and hosts and their property with respect. Members also agree to abide by all local, state and federal laws (including but not limited to) governing misuse of personal privileges, personal property and controlled substances.
2. Members of the PHCF, by virtue of their membership agreement, agree to demonstrate personal responsibility for their words, actions and deeds and not to exhibit behaviors that are harmful to themselves and the other members, guests and hosts or their property. We seek to provide a pleasant atmosphere in which to share our common love of the music and tales of Jimmy Buffett and to further the community, environment and charitable ideals that we seek to uphold.
3. PHCF will not condone behavior contrary to our objectives nor that which we feel is harmful or injurious to others or to the club itself. By virtue of your membership in the “Parrot Heads of Central Florida” you have indeed agreed to “Party with a Purpose” in a most responsible fashion!