2022-01 PHlash PHlocking at Tin Roof
In January we had our PHirst PHlash PHlocking at PR’s Taco Palace College Park.
Almost 60 PHlockers RSVPed PHor the PHlocking and, despite the weather, almost 40 PHlockers showed up.
Given the success of the January PHlash PHlocking were are happy to announce our
PHebruary PHlash PHlocking!!
DATE: Saturday, PHebruary 26th
TIME: 11:30pm until the last PHlocker leaves
PLACE: Tin Roof Orlando
8371 International Dr, Orlando
Proceeds for the Evening:
• Lucky Stars (Sponsored By: Sonia Bayne) – Save the Manatee
• 50/50 Raffle – 50% to Parrot Heads of Central Florida
50% to YOU if you participate and WIN!
Entertainment for the Evening:
• Musician Names: Jimi Pappas and Keith Kobee, the Trop Rock Duo
• Musician Website: https://jimipappas.com
So, Music, PHriends, and Partying with a Purpose!
That’s what our PHlockings are about.
That’s what we did, Saturday, PHebruary 26, 2022