2022-04 30th Birthday PHlocking
April is a special month for PHCF because April 19th is our club’s birthday. This year is special, too, because this year our club hits 30. Last year we had our Birthday PHlocking in...
April is a special month for PHCF because April 19th is our club’s birthday. This year is special, too, because this year our club hits 30. Last year we had our Birthday PHlocking in...
Here’s where we had our MARCH PHlocking!! DATE: SUNDAY: 3/13/2022TIME: 1:00PM TO 4:00PMPLACE: GATORS DOCKSIDE OVIEDO167 E MITCHELL HAMMOCK ROADOVIEDO, FL. 32765 Proceeds for the Evening:• Raffle Table (Sponsored By: PHCF) – table to...
For 2022, PHCF is changing the way we do PHlockings. Based on your suggestions we’ll PHlock to a restaurant or bar where a musician the PHlock knows is performing. We’ll announce the location, date...
Don’t forget, PHCF membership also gets you access to the PHiP Discount Program.