2022 PHlockings
For 2022, PHCF is changing the way we do PHlockings. Based on your suggestions we’ll PHlock to a restaurant or bar where a musician the PHlock knows is performing. We’ll announce the location, date and time and whether or not we need an RSVP similar to a Last Supper PHriday.
We call these PHlockings PHlash PHlockings. PHlash PHlockings will usually have a Lucky Stars, maybe a 50/50, but probably no Raffle Table.
A PHormal PHlocking, on the other hand, will be one where PHCF provides the musician and has Lucky Stars, a 50/50 and (usually) a Raffle Table.
Check out the PHlash and PHormal PHlockings we’ve had, or have planned for 2022….
May 29th – PHlash PHlocking at Johnny’s Other Side
January PHlash PHlocking at PR’s Taco Palace
PHebruary – PHlash PHlocking at Tin Roof
March – PHormal PHlocking at Gator’s in Oviedo
April – 30th Birthday PHlocking