2022-04 30th Birthday PHlocking
April is a special month for PHCF because April 19th is our club’s birthday. This year is special, too, because this year our club hits 30. Last year we had our Birthday PHlocking in Pat and Lou’s backyard and they have offered their yard again for this year’s Birthday PHlocking. At our March Council of PHeathers meeting their offer was accepted and at our April CoPHs meeting we worked out more of the details. So…
Come join us for
PHCF’s 30th Birthday PHlocking!!
DATE: Saturday, April 30th
TIME: 1:00PM to 4:00PM
PLACE: Lou and Pat’s
This PHlocking is going to be Potluck – appetizers and side dishes, please. PHCF is supplying chicken and pulled pork and PHCF will take care of dessert with, what else, a Birthday Cake.
Proceeds for the Evening:
• Lucky Stars (Sponsored By: Sonia Bayne) – Rusty’s Bicycle Recycle
Giving the Homeless a Lift – One Bike at a Time
WISH LIST: CASH!! Rusty needs to buy the parts to rebuild the bikes
• 50/50 Raffle – 50% – Parrot Heads of Central Florida / 50% YOU could win just by playing!!
Entertainment will be provided by our President – and the music on his phone.
So, Music, PHriends, and Partying with a Purpose!
That’s what our PHlockings are about.
That’s what we did on Saturday, April 30th
And, for a change, PHolks took pictures…