Category: Thank Yous

HOPE Helps

We here at HOPE Helps would like to sincerely thank you for donating $105 in gift cards and $100 in monetary donations for the 2018 Christmas in the City event, held on December 15th....

HOPE Helps

Dear Friends of HOPE! A very special thank you for your participation in helping serve those in need through HOPE in 2018. We are truly blessed by your gifts that allow us to continue...

Big Cat Rescue

This letter is to acknowledge and thank you for your generous donation to Big Cat Rescue on 9/14/18.  Your contribution has helped us provide a better home for these magnificent and deserving animals. On...

Pershing-Pine Castle Elementary

We received this handmade card from the teachers and kids at the Pershing-Pine Castle Elementary School.  Your donations do make a difference; THANK YOU for leaving this world a little better than you found...

Russell Home for Atypical Children

Dear Parrot Heads of Central Florida, I would like to share a portion of our July blog written on our website by Pam, our Employee Liaison. Each month our employees vote on who they...

Kids of Hope

Thank you for your donation to the Hope Helps Food Pantry.  Because of you, Luke and his son are able to eat while going through a difficult time.  With your support, Luke and hundreds...

Coral Restoration Foundation

Thank you for your organization’s donation of $280 to the Coral Restoration Foundation.  We are grateful for your continued support of our mission to restore and protect coral reefs around the world! CRF is...