Coral Restoration Foundation
Thank you for your organization’s donation of $280 to the Coral Restoration Foundation. We are grateful for your continued support of our mission to restore and protect coral reefs around the world!
CRF is engaged in the world’s largest restoration effort. Headquartered in Key Largo, Florida, CRF oversees restoration projects throughout South Florida, the Caribbean, and the Pacific.
This is an exciting time at CRF as we enter the second year of our grant with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We will select, outplant and monitor 50,000 coral colonies on eight unique reef sites along the coast of the Keys, in an unprecedented approach to coral restoration. Our goals are ambitious and exciting, and to achieve our vision, we are researching innovative new ways to restore our reefs to healthy, thriving ecosystems. CRF is creating hope for coral reefs!
We are using a multi-pronged attempt to save our reefs, with our education and science programs attempting to spread our call to action as wide as possible! We are exploring new partnerships and programs that will allow us to inspire people to action. For more information on how these programs can help you make a difference, and to stay informed on the latest CRF news, consider signing up for our newsletter, Coral Chronicles, at
Thank you, again, for your generous support!