Meeting of the Minds
Meeting of the Minds … what exactly is that? Officially, it’s a legal term describing the intentions of the parties forming a contract. In common use, it’s a situation where two or more people reach an understanding or agreement. For Parrot Heads, it’s our annual convention put on by the Parrot Heads in Paradise (PHiP) organization for clubs from around the world to converge on Key West, Florida to celebrate for four days and “Party with a Purpose”. Known as MOTM, the event will host about 3,500 Parrot Heads the first weekend in November.
Staying true to the Purpose part of our Clubs’ motto, there are many opportunities to volunteer and give back to charity organizations during the weekend. There is a Parrot Head Blood Drive (who knew rum-soaked blood is okay to donate?!), a collection of unwrapped toys and school supplies, raffle baskets that benefit local Key West charities, and a live auction that benefits the Lone Palm Foundation and helps Parrot Heads who have been in natural disasters and need monetary help. And for those who want to get up early for a little exercise, there is the Zonta 5K walk, supporting local non-insured and under insured women with their needs.
Beyond the Purpose, MOTM is a great opportunity to meet new friends and reconnect with old, listen to some great music, and enjoy the Party. There are numerous Trop Rock musicians, including some of the Coral Reefers, that play at the host hotel, Casa Marina, as well as many venues around the island. It’s five days of nonstop events, celebrating the lifestyle that Jimmy Buffett immortalized in “Wasting Away Again in Margaritaville”.
If you’ve never attended an MOTM, make plans to do so! It’s time to blow out a flip flop and put your PHins UP! For more information or to register, visit If you are going to Key West, watch your PHlockmail for details on meet-up locations for PHCF members, and bring your club t-shirt for a group picture.