Chair Parrots
With a little love and luck… and a Chair Parrot!
Chair Parrots are the unsung heroes of PHCF! They are those PHellow PHlock members who put a lot of time, effort, planning, and in some cases even their own money, into coordinating events so that the rest of the PHlock can carry out our mission to Party with a Purpose.
Each PHCF activity that you attend is hosted/organized by one (or even a couple of) your PHlock Member(s) acting as the Chair Parrot(s). This includes events such as one of our ‘Adopt-a- ___’ volunteer opportunities, monthly social events and outings, and our many PHun annual gatherings such as picnics and parties. For a larger event, there will be a Chair or two who may reach out and get members of our PHlock to form a committee to help.
Without our Chair Parrots, we wouldn’t have near the opportunities we do to work and play together to leave this world a little better than we found it. It takes dedication and a willingness to serve to plan events, send out reminders, coordinate day-off activities, and report on all the PHun had by everyone in attendance.
This is a shout out to those of our PHlock that work behind the scenes ensuring that your social calendar remains constantly PHilled with a large variety of PHun options. Next time you see one of your Chair Parrots, give them a big THANK YOU!! (or by them a drink) to let them know you appreciate all they do. And if you hear a Chair calling you, reach out to the Council to let them know where you’d like to help.