Raffle Table
And the Winner is … our Charities!!!
Have you ever wondered where all that stuff on the Raffle Table at every single PHlocking comes from?!?!?!?
Curious on how we decide who gets those proceeds?!?!?!?
As part of our mission to ‘Party with a Purpose’, each month we select an organization or beneficiary for the PHlocking Raffle Table. We count on YOU, our members in good standing, to make recommendations on recipients and coordinate the table.
Sponsoring the Raffle Table takes a little planning and work, but it’s a great way to benefit any organization that you truly care about. The PHlocking Raffle Table sponsor is responsible for putting together the Raffle Baskets as well as for selling Raffle Tickets during the PHlocking. This is a great family activity that many of you can participate in, or even a way to bring several PHriends together for a common cause. And, because our Keeper, Ray Wortley, is just SO good at creating amazing baskets, don’t hesitate to ask him for ideas/suggestions/help with your own creations!
Since our primary goal is to raise money for the charity you’ve selected to help, we keep the reimbursement budget at no more than $50.00 per month. If you have a few items that can be primary giveaways, such as restaurant gift cards, unopened bottles of wine/spirits, beach or tropical decorations, sports/event tickets, or really just about anything that others might value is a very good starting place – then you have the basis for a great raffle table! Use the $50.00 expense reimbursement to add the finishing touches to the baskets with a few extra supplies or goodies.
The Council is always in need of individuals to sponsor the monthly PHlocking Raffle Table. If you have an organization that you’d like to help, please send an email to the Keeper of the PHlock, Ray Wortley, at raywortley@mac.com.