$255.00 was raised at the August PHlocking, and these funds are going towards making our 2019 Christmas Party absolutely PHabulous!!
This month, your Council of PHeathers will be meeting in person to conduct all sorts of club business – such as Operating Principals – and we are inviting you to attend to share your thoughts and ideas. See you on September 26th.
We have TWO Adopt-a-Race volunteer opportunities this month!! Be sure to mark your calendar to pour some beer on the 14th and the 28th!!
Amy Huttunen, our Coconut Telegrapher, has just uploaded numerous club event videos, provided by George Schott, and by going to phcf.com/photos, you can watch all of them to see just how many times you’ve found yourself in front of a camera ‘Partying with a Purpose’.
We are searching for an Elections Officer for the 2019 Council Elections – if you would like to serve, or know of an excellent candidate for the task, please be sure to see one of your PHellow Officers.
With the 2019 MOTM event just around the corner, now is the PERFECT time to visit the Club Store for all of your PHCF attire needs.