January Phlocking Update
A Quick Word from your President:
2019 – here we are!! Happy Happy New Year, PHlock!! How will YOU ‘Party With A Purpose’ this year??
2018 was an AMAZING year for PHCF!! I could literally fill both sides of this sheet with a list of ALL of the PHantastic that happened in just one year, but I will just leave the long speeches to our PHounder, Jim Schlegel, and give you the short overview: We overhauled www.PHCF.com and included the unveiling of the new Club Store, our PHlock expanded, our Booty blessedly grew from the very bottom of the chest, we increased our ‘Party with a Purpose’ opportunities to include the flexibility to participate in so many more causes near and dear to us all, we have numerous new Chairs, we sadly lost our ‘home’ only to embark on the exciting search of PHinding a PHabulous new one, our Council of PHeathers plotted and achieved a PHenomenal course of successes, we shouted ‘time for a team drink’ endlessly, we spread our parrot wings and perched with other PHellow local clubs, we initiated several special raffles for the benefit of our community, and we had countless hours of PHun volunteering to ‘leave this world a little better than we found it’. Overall, last year we strengthened ourselves to sail right into 2019 on the calmest of waters, and with all hands on deck to ‘Party With A Purpose’, we can look forward to another successful and prosperous year ahead.
I am very eager to discuss just how YOU are going to ‘Party With A Purpose’ in 2019!!