Doug and Nancy Simon of the Space Coast PHC were the lucky winners of the Kayak Raffle on drawn on July 14th during the Annual Summer Kayak Picnic – congratulations to them both!!
There were 11 PHolks that kicked off their Independence Day by waking up early to volunteer at the Florida Hospital Watermelon 5K on July 4th
$266.00 of Raffle Table proceeds raised during the July PHlocking will be going towards the Sea Oat Planting project – thank you to Ray Wortley for the terrific Raffle Baskets as well as bringing our attention to this cause
Plan to attend the Rock Springs Paddle Adventure on August 11th – see Robert Sparks for all the details
$475.00 raised by the Kayak Raffle will be donated to Save the Manatee!!
DON’T FORGET – attending just four (4) volunteer opportunities in 2018 will earn you a brand new shirt – and with SO many of you who are VERY close to achieving this goal, we’ll hope to see you at Adopt-a-Race