
Parrot Heads of Central Florida

Click HERE to view a PHintastic video of Parrotheads doing what they do best…leavin’ this place a little better than we PHound it!

Welcome to the Roost of

The Parrot Heads of Central Florida

The People in Greater Orlando “Your Parents Warned You About!”

On September 1, 2023, we lost our amazing captain and troubadour extraordinaire…click HERE for a wonderPHul tribute to Jimmy Buffett!


             Come join us for the Thursday, June 13th PHlocking!!


DATE:     Thursday, June 13th
TIME:       5PM to 9PM
PLACE:   The Porch-Winter Park
                643 Orange Avenue, Winter Park  

Agenda:   5PM to 9PM

*Live Music:  5:30 to 8:30ish


*PHifty/50 tickets and Basket Raffle sales will be happening from 5PM to 8:15.


*PHifty/50 and Basket Raffle Winners will be announced at 8:30.


*VIRGIN PHlockers:  Between 5 PM and 7:20, please complete your ‘Who the PHlock Are You?’ Scavenger Hunt.  Return your completed PHorm to the Welcome Desk for a GiPHt!


*INITIATION of the VIRGINS:  7:30 

*Lucky Stars donations will be collected at the Welcome Table.  There will, also, be a Lucky Stars CASH Donation JAR at the Welcome Table.



We “PARTY with a PURPOSE!”

  •  Basket Raffle Table (Sponsored By: Ray Wortley) – Ticket Sales will benefit Russell Home for Atypical Children.   Click HERE to visit the website.

  • Lucky Stars (Sponsored By: Mark Hirsch) – Meals on Wheels for Central Florida

  • We are collecting items that can be handed out with Meal Trays.

  • WISH LIST: Adult Diapers (all sizes), Poise Pads Ultimate (6 or 6X), pet food pouches (cats/dogs), Boost/Ensure Nutritional Drinks, LARGE FONT game books (crosswords, wordfinds, coloring books, colored pencils), 500 piece jigsaw puzzles, socks.

  • 50/50 Raffle – 50% – Parrot Heads of Central Florida / 50% YOU could win just by playing!!


  • Don’t PHorget to bring some extra $$$ for the tip jar!

Please remember to drop some cash in our Help Us PHund our Independent Musicians JAR!

So, Music, PHriends, and Partying with a Purpose!
That’s what our PHlockings are about.
That’s what we’ll be doing Thursday, April 11th!

We’ll see you at The Porch-Winter Park!!!


Check out our latest PHlockings

PHun o’PHock Love & Luck March PHlocking!

March 14th  PHun o’PHlock…Sharing “Love-n Luck!”

It was a PHantastic PHlocking as 51 PHriends danced and laughed the night away with the help of our TropRock Artist Extraordinaire…Don Middlebrook!

Click to watch our PHaithPHul PHlockers and PHriends SPRINGING into ACTION!

VIDEO ONE                                 VIDEO TWO

With the help of ‘Baskets by Ray’ and the PHifty/50 Raffle, we collected $350 to donate to St. Baldrick’s Foundation for Cancer Cure for Children.  We thank Casie Shimansky & Sean Moody for introducing us to this amazing organization.  We are extra proud to have had representation at Capt Hiram’s last Saturday when Sean and Casie participated in the headshaving event for St. Baldrick’s Foundation. 

Thank you to Ray Wortley for another PHenomenal display of themed baskets.  Basket Raffle Sales brought in $225!!

Our PHifty/50 winner was Jean Bush.  She split $250 with the PHund for St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

RSVP winners for TWO gift cards from The Porch-WP were George Stickney & Laura Waters.

Keeping with that ‘we party with a purpose’ concept, the PHlock donated over $150 in supplies and $165 in cash for Ronald McDonald House.

We are so grateful to Don Middlebrook for an amazing perPHormance!  PHlockers were dancing and singing, and as shown in the video, taking over The Porch-Winter Park with our Conga Line.   My PHavorite part of our PHlockings is hearing our PHlockers rave about our Live Music, as well as the rest of the guests enjoying an evening at The Porch-Winter Park.  Even better is when the perPHormers share what a good time they had, and, especially, when, like Don asked, “WHEN CAN I COME BACK?”  Hopefully, we’ll see Don in the PHall!

The Welcome Table was hopping with PHlockers stopping by to PHlash their hangie-thingies and added our new PHlashie-Blinky Pins to their hangie-thingies.  Thank you to Co-Vice Presidents Louanne & Mike Sincavage for all of your help, as always.  We passed out quite a PHew club applications and inPHo PHlyers, too.  We added $35 to our club PHunds from sales of our new club logo pins and $215 to the club PHunds for the PHlashy Blinky pins.   We almost paid for our whole order of pins with these sales and will be seeing our Team PHunds growing quickly for our We Walk to End Alzheimer’s & Dementia Team.  We, also, added $40 to our club PHunds with t-shirt transfer sales.  

We, also, held our PHirst Parrot Points ceremony in many years!  24 Parrot Points were awarded to PHlockers that volunteered for our Adopt-a-Shore in January and  6 Parrot Points were awarded to our ‘Sowing’ SEA OATS in PHebruary. 


We had a lot of PHun, but, as always, we missed our PHlockers that weren’t present.  We know that Jeanette, Mike, Jackie, and Lisa Marie had a PHabulous time on the Atlanta Parrothead Cruise…we saw pictures!   We have, also, enjoyed the Travel Journal being shared by Tom & Janis Williams on their wonderPHul African adventures.  The rest of you…if you weren’t traveling, you missed a great PHlocking!

Our April PHlocking is being themed…’It’s all about PHCF!’   We’ll be celebrating our THIRTY-SECOND BIRTHDAY with the wonderPHul TropRock Artist, Jeff Randall! We are hoping ALL of our PHlockers will wear a PHCF club t-shirt for our PHlock PHoto.  We’ll be partying with a purpose benefitting Singing for Change and our club!  Our Lucky Stars and PHifty/50 will be benefitting our club.  We are asking our PHlockers to bring a nice bottle of wine and/or a quality bottle of liquor of any kind.  These items will be used in PHuture Basket Raffles.  More inPHo to PHollow!

And now, enjoy our memories from our March PHlocking!


You Had To Be There… 2/8/2024

  PHebruary PHlocking Recap

CLICK to view some videos from our PHlocking.

Video 1              Video 2               Video 3 

Almost PHifty PHlockers & Guests danced the night away!  As you watch the videos, please note the PHlashing Pink Leis.  Those were awarded to the PHirst Twenty PHour RSVPs for this PHlocking!

Thank you to Tiki Dave Soreff and Robert France for some amazing music!  

Thank you to the PHlock for ‘making a difference’ with donations of hygiene materials and cash for
One Heart For Women & Children! We collected about $250 in materials and $233.00 cash with the help of Ray Wortley’s Basket Raffle and our Lucky Stars JAR. 

Welcome to our ‘newbie’ VIRGINS on their decision to join the PHlock and were ‘oPHicially LEI’d’! 
Will & Christina Yeasel Webster, Michelle Rovik, John Kusek, Leann Handley, and Sean Moody & Casie Shimansky.
   Casie & Sean showing off their PHlashy PHlocker Spectacles awarded after they completed the ‘Who the PHlock Are You?’ survey!

Thank you to Paula King & Louanne Sincavage for welcoming our PHlockers and their guests, and to Mike Sincavage for being the ULTIMATE HOST and showing our VIRGINS how PHaithPHul PHlockers get active.

The Executive Board held a special INSTALLATION for our Communications OPHicer, Julie Artrip, as she wasn’t able to attend the January PHlocking.  Please visit our PHCF website  to see all the upgrades the Communications Committee have been doing.  

We had some WINNERS for the evening, too!   
Kevin Conlon won our PHifty/50, taking home $60 and the other half went into the club PHunds.

Craig Bush & guest Kurt Kotzin each won a $25 gift card for The Porch-Winter Park.

As always, we wish to thank the staff of The Porch-Winter Park for their hospitality!  Our ‘one particular harbor’ continues to be rockin’ on those Second Thursdays.

Looking forward to seeing the PHlock on March 14th as we welcome Don Middlebrook and we honor our PHlockers Sean Moody & Casie Shimansky for their ongoing dedication to our PHocus on Making a Difference: the St. Baldrick’s Foundation with our PHifty/50 and Baskets by Ray.  Our LUCKY STARS recipient is Ronald McDonald House at Advent Health in Orlando.

Now, enjoy some more memories from our PHebruary PHestive PHlocking!  

The Parrot Heads of Central Florida
are excited to share we are in the process of scheduling a RETURN of

STARS AND PROMISES in December of 2024

    Check out PHCF’s PHirst House Concer  

The next opportunity to
‘leave this world a little better than we found it’

April 14              Adopt-a-Latitude   11AM to 1PM     Southern Night Parking Lot  (Bumby/South Street)   

April 21             Adopt-a-Shore         10AM to Noon   Cherie Down Park, Cape Canaveral

May 4                Second Harvest Food Bank    1PM to 4PM    Second Harvest Food Bank, Orlando

The latest opportunities to
‘leave this world a little better than we found it’
Helping A Kid Again, on September 10th, at the Crayola Experience

Adopt-A-Latitude on Sunday, September 17th
Adopt-A-Shore on Sunday, October 15th

Walk to End Alzheimers on October 7th


  • Have you RSVPed for our 9/15 PHlocking? Earn a special gift when you are one of the PHirst Twenty-PHour to RSVP!
  • PHlash your “hangie-thingie” for a PHree PHifty/50 ticket!
  • Our musicians have personal TIP jars at their stage!
  • Help us keep the LIVE MUSIC going by dropping some$$ in our “Help us PHund Our Independent Musicians JAR at the WECOME TABLE!
  • If you phorget to pick up a donation for our Lucky Stars recipients, you can drop cash in the Lucky Stars JAR.
  • Go for our PHlocking CHALLENGE: Talk to some Phaces you don’t know!
  • Check back later for links to your reminders.
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Here’s a look at our Last Supper PHriday at
Crocante Restaurant

Thank You’s from our Charities

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Click here to read more notes from our charities.