Jan 14

January Council of Pheathers

January 20, 2014 (Held at Johnnie’s Filling Station)

Pam Hausle Call to order 7:12

Submitted by Jackie Dorsey Secretary

In Attendance:

President Pam Hausle

Vice President Bruce Broulik

Secretary Jackie Dorsey

Treasurer Suzanne Templin

Membership Occifer Amy Clark

Keeper of the Phlock Jeanette Freeman

Communications Occifer Shawn Goos

Member Advocate Terry Clark

Member Advocate Joe Deluzio

Member Advocate Marty Melton

Past President Jim “JT”Thomas

Co-Keepers: Lou and Pat Perkins

Member Linda Broulik

Cabana Boy Rich Hausle



Minutes were not submitted and report tabled until next month.


Suzanne Templin’s report

  1. Submitted end of year budget.
  2. Submitted proposed budget for 2014
  3. Discussed that if event chairs anticipate an increased budget for events this year, they should request more money now so it can be worked into budget.
  4. Shawn asked about continuing the matching donation for raffle table recipients as was done the second half of last year. (This was done to use excess funds). Group agreed to revisit this idea in April
  5. Suzanne also stated a report was filed to the state.
  6. Suzanne also submitted a thank you card from the Alzheimer’s foundation.

Jeanette made the motion to accept the report proposed budget and, Amy seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Amy reports 80 people were at the last phlocking. Amy submitted membership report. To date there are 199 members plus 27 keets. We have retained the complimentary and honorary memberships that were agreed on last year. Rich McGuire is one of these but he still needs to fill out application so it can be formalized. The group discussed ideas for member retention. A motion to accept the report was made by Jackie Dorsey and it was seconded by Suzanne Templin and the motion was approved unanimously.


Jeanette Freeman announced the next PHlocking location would be Doc’s Streetside Grill and Rick Schetino aka Kid Conch will be playing. Jeanette reports she has a number of Raffles and Luck Stars months open including February.  Pam and Rich Hausle offered to run the raffle as well as collect Lucky Stars on behalf of the Orlando Rescue Mission Women and Children’s division at February’s PHlocking. This prompted discussion on how to develop interest in volunteering for both raffle and Lucky Stars. Jeanette stated she was going to send out informational PHlockmail. Lou and Pat Perkins gave update on hangy thingys and asked if any were needed. A motion was made by Amy Clark to accept the report it was seconded by Shawn Goos. Motion was passed unanimously.


Shawn Goos asked for the volunteer hours for last year in order to update the website. The only date missing from calendar is the poker tournament. Shawn agreed to speak to Paul Fraas about if and when the event might take place. A motion was made Amy by to accept the report it was seconded by Suzanne. Motion was passed unanimously


Bruce Broulik no report


Norbert Camacho not present


Joe, Terry and Marty report no problems at this time. Terry Clark reports 10 people came for the last beach cleanup.


Pam Hausle thanked everybody for coming.


PLOC location report from Pam Hausle:

Plan to hold next Phlocking at Docs

March and April will be at Silly Grape

The old McWells is now Friendly Confines. Pam will investigate possibility of them hosting a Phlocking.

FITA update:

  1. 211 registered bowlers
  2. 47 non bowlers
  3. $10 admission tickets for each night will be sold
  4. $10 ticket for food Saturday
  5. Headliner band will be in Alley
  6. This year marks the largest amount of corporate donations to date
  7. The honoree is a 13 year old named Allie
  8. There will be 2 former honorees who will bowl
  9. Still need lots of volunteers during event to man raffle sales and registration


Pam has idea to have themes for each Phlocking and handed out ideas. Decided to make February’s be a Valentine’s Day theme.

The council also discussed where to hold council meetings. Everyone present agreed that switching between locations (ie North vs South side of town) was acceptable.

A motion to adjourn made by Jeanette and it was seconded by Shawn the motion was approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:42